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SS Media Consumption


  • Daily Newspapers: I don’t read any daily newspapers regularly. I prefer to get my news online or from other digital sources.
  • Sections I Read First: When I do check newspapers, I usually start with the news section to catch up on current events. Occasionally, I’ll look at the culture or lifestyle sections if there's something specific of interest.
  • Sections I Never Read: I rarely read the sports sections or financial pages, as I’m not particularly interested in sports and I’m not deeply involved in finance.
  • Kinds of Stories I Read: I generally focus on national and international news stories, particularly those related to current affairs, social issues, or global events. I find these areas more relevant and engaging.
  • Newspaper Purchase: I don’t buy newspapers. I prefer digital formats.
  • Online Versions: I visit the websites of The Guardian and BBC News. I like their in-depth coverage and accessible formats. I find these sites offer reliable information and diverse perspectives.
  • Regular Purchases: I don’t buy magazines regularly. I tend to read articles online instead.
  • Sections I Read: When I do read magazines, I’m interested in sections related to technology, culture, and lifestyle. I generally skip the fashion and celebrity sections.
  • Viewing Hours: I watch around 10-15 hours of television a week.
  • Device Used: I primarily use a smart TV for watching TV.
  • Times of Day: I usually watch TV in the evenings after finishing my studies or on weekends.
  • Favourite Programmes: I enjoy dramas, documentaries, and occasionally some educational programmes. I like shows that offer insight into different cultures and issues.
  • Watching Alone or With Others: I usually watch with my family. We often decide together what to watch, balancing individual preferences.
  • Live or On-Demand: I mostly use on-demand services like Netflix and BBC iPlayer. Occasionally, I watch live TV if there's something special on.
  • Other Devices: I use a tablet occasionally to watch TV on the go.
  • Listening to Radio: I listen to the radio occasionally, especially during commutes.
  • Favourite Stations: I like BBC Radio 4 for its diverse programming and in-depth discussions on current events.
  • Podcasts: I do listen to podcasts. Recently, I’ve enjoyed "The Daily" by The New York Times for current affairs, and "The Infinite Monkey Cage" for science.
  • Listening Hours: I spend about 3-4 hours a week listening to podcasts or radio.
  • Listening Times: I usually listen in the mornings or during commutes.
  • Listening Locations: Mostly in the car or at home.
  • Other Activities: I might be doing chores or commuting while listening.
  • Others in Household: My family also listens to radio, typically during breakfast or while driving.
  • Recent Cinema Visits: In the last month, I watched "Oppenheimer" and "Barbie" at the cinema.
  • Films Watched Elsewhere: I’ve watched "The Last of Us" series and "The Marvels" on Disney+ and Netflix.
  • Who Watched With Me: I usually watch films with friends or family.
  • Decision-Maker: We often decide together, considering everyone’s preferences.
  • Devices Used: I use a smart TV for most film watching, but sometimes I use a laptop or tablet.
  • Internet Access Frequency: I access the internet multiple times a day.
  • Access Locations: Primarily at home, but also during commutes and occasionally at school.
  • Main Sites Accessed: I frequently visit news sites, social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, and streaming services.
  • Reasons for Access: Mainly for news, social media, and entertainment. I also use it for research and communicating with friends.
  • Other Activities: I often browse while multitasking, such as studying or chatting with friends.
  • Devices Used: I use a smartphone as my primary device for accessing the internet, but I also use a laptop and tablet.
  • Social Networks: I use Instagram for staying updated with friends and interests, and Twitter for news and discussions.
Final Reflection
  • Developing Media Consumption: I could explore more diverse media sources, especially those focusing on global perspectives and different cultural viewpoints. I might also incorporate more traditional media forms into my routine.
  • Changes for This Year: I aim to diversify my media consumption by including more international news sources and exploring new genres and formats in both digital and traditional media.
  • New Sources to Explore:
  1. Al Jazeera – For a broader international perspective on news.
  1. The New Yorker – For in-depth articles and cultural insights.
  1. NPR (National Public Radio) – For a variety of podcasts and news segments.


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